Have you ever wanted to create a series of artworks, but the colours or size just don’t match? The answer is simple: It’s all in the frame!
The answer to having matching frames for different artworks is already right in front of you: match the frame!
Matching frames to each other and furnishings in a room is already a commonly accepted concept. We know that if we tie a theme together, things work together. The same applies for picture frames. If the frame on multiple framed artworks is the same look (and, where suitable, the same size), the artworks are forced to work as a series.
The above image is a strong example of how to best match two artworks. They already have a “theme,” as they show the same style of art and both quote Andy Warhol. But, their colours are entirely different. It would be impossible to design an identical picture frame to suit them both. So, we cheat. By highlighting unique elements of each artwork, you can:
Not alienate an artwork by having the frame not match the art
Still acknowledge that the artworks are different and unique
Create a theme which is flexible to suit all artwotks in the series
In the Andy Warhol example, the theme is dual white mats, broken up by a highlight colour. Where the artwork is red, the frame highlight colour is also red. Rather than applying a red highlight to the green artwork, you unite the frames by matching the theme and changing the colour.
Then from there, match your picture frame moulding, and you have a framed series from two (very!) different artworks.
Bring your odd artworks in to see the magic brought together by our team at Frames Now!